Thursday 30 April 2009

Drying out and smoking in the garden

We opened the curtains this morning to more rain and our poor girls were looking decidedly soggy when we fed them. However, am pleased to report we now have brilliant sunshine and they are all fluffed up again. Amazing how a little sun can lift the spirits - our dogs never even got a walk yesterday on account of torrentail rain but we have just returned from an extra long one so they are now worn out, fed and contented. Cornwall in springtime has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world when the sun shines - the bluebells and pink cherry blossom in our garden looks stunning as do all the hedgerows around where we live.
We may even venture to the pub for an early drink tonight so we can sit outside and admire their garden (well, in truth, we have to sit outside on account of the fact we are not allowed to smoke inside but don't get me on that one, what a ridiculous law to pass, I ask you.) Bye for now.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Another rainy day

DAY 5 - EGG COUNT 3 (it's a wonder we have any considering weather)
It's raining again and our girls really do not like the rain - I don't like the rain, who does like rain? It's supposed to be spring for goodness sake!
Yesterday, I forgot to show you Blondie's picture which I've included today - isn't she gorgeous and clever too, she can lay an egg standing up and eat at the same time (as recounted to you earlier.)
My elderly Mother was very concerned about the hens in the middle of the night. Apparently they were making a heck of a noise and she was worried there might be a fox about. Pleased to say they were all in one piece this morning but my husband is thinking about putting them in the hen house at night in view of this report. Thankfully, we have never been troubled with foxes before but our friend Clive had a total disaster last year. Fox got all his hens in broad daylight - he'd popped out to mow someone's lawn and came home to a scene of utter carnage. Foxes can be beastly things, they will kill every hen even if they are not hungry enough to eat them all. Still, I suppose it's nature, fox might have had cubs to feed and so the cycle of life goes on. See you tommorrow.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Blondie laid an egg standing up!

DAY FOUR - EGG COUNT 2 (including one laid in front of us!)
As if she knew it was her turn to star today, Blondie actually laid an egg in front of us while standing up and feeding. My husband was amazed and caught the egg just as it hit the ground (it only has a small dent so will go into a victoria sponge later today.)
That's a first for us, we have never seen that happen before, maybe these chickens are now so relaxed, they don't need to hide away to lay eggs.
Come to think of it, they were probably very excited about the scraps we took up this morning because we had spaghetti for dinner last night and there was some left over The girls absolutely love spaghetti and we think it's because they think it's worms (worms are the caviar of the hen world.)
In fact, when going amongst hens, one has to be careful of anything resembling worms such as shoelaces, strings and toggles on coats etc as they will go a bit mad and have a peck
They also get excited about leftover rice which they possibly think is grubs (another favourite chicken food.) Bless 'em, they are a constant source of amusement!

Monday 27 April 2009

A New Healthier Lifestyle

DAY THREE - EGG COUNT 3 (must do some baking, egg basket is very full)
Today is the first day of my new, healthier lifestyle - less alcohol (I can't say no alcohol as I know I will be gagging for a glass of wine by around 5.30pm) and less smoking. I NEVER want to feel as ill as I did yesterday.
How rude of me, I have just realised I have not yet introduced you to the wonderful specimen of a hen that has been gracing this blog for the past three days. This is Mrs Gobby, so called because she is the most vocal of our hens - she is also the bossiest and is definately 'head honcho' of our little flock.
It's a strange thing, if you keep chickens, you begin to understand the phrase 'pecking order' because there definately is, especially at feeding time. Mrs Gobby is always ahead of the others and is not adverse to giving a right good pecking to anyone who dares to challenge her.
When we recently bought two new hens, Mrs Gobby was extremely put out and spent several days chasing the new ones around and pecking at them, there were feathers everywhere.
We had not clipped the new ones wings (you do this to stop them flying away, it doesn't hurt them) and after a couple of days, they realised they could fly up to the roof of the henhouse to stay out of her way which meant we had to put food up there for them. Pleased to say it calmed down after a week or so and they are all friends now.
Tommorrow I will introduce you to Blondie, bye for now.

Sunday 26 April 2009

hangover sunday

EGG COUNT 5 (all the girls are laying today)
Today's blog is going to be very short and I blame my mate Hazel who was 60 years old yesterday (I have friends who are much older than me)
So, last night she threw a big party where there was far too much wine available and lots of lovely food - I overdid it a bit and have a very bad hangover. My husband also has a very bad hangover but he at least managed to cook bacon and lovely fresh eggs for breakfast (which was actually at lunch time because I didn't get out of bed till 12)
The hens and other animals are all fine, it's just me that is not.
See you tommorrow.

Saturday 25 April 2009

welcome to my blog - day one

Hello and welcome to my blog, day one.
THIS MORNING'S EGG COUNT - 2 (probably on account of torrential rain which the girls don't really like)
We were first inspired to become chicken keepers by our good friends Clive and Hazel who live up the road.
Clive has recently retired but he used to work for DEFRA, he was your original 'Man from the Min of Ag' and there is not a lot he doesn't know about farm animals, chickens included. Hence, we have back up in the event of any hen emergencies of which there have been several in the past.
We have now been chicken keepers for two years and during that time there have been very few occasions when we have had to resort to buying 'yucky shop eggs' because of course, the main reasons for keeping chickens (apart from the comedy factor) are they eat most of your non meat kitchen scraps, do the weeding for you, munch slugs and produce beautiful, fresh eggs.
Any of you familiar with chickens will know they all have their own personalities, albeit in varying degrees of stupidity and can be rather endearing.
In our household, we currently have five chickens, two springer spaniels, two fluffy cats, two adult sons, two aged parents and us. There had been a mouse but it's lifeless body was discovered on the lounge floor yesterday morning Comforting to know the cats are earning their keep but slightly upsetting as I actually quite like mice However, as my wise husband explained, I possibly wouldn't like them so much if one had bitten through an electric cable, started a fire and burnt the house down - point taken. Hope you can join me tommorrow when I'll introduce you to the girls (our term of endearment for the chickens).

Thursday 23 April 2009