Monday 27 April 2009

A New Healthier Lifestyle

DAY THREE - EGG COUNT 3 (must do some baking, egg basket is very full)
Today is the first day of my new, healthier lifestyle - less alcohol (I can't say no alcohol as I know I will be gagging for a glass of wine by around 5.30pm) and less smoking. I NEVER want to feel as ill as I did yesterday.
How rude of me, I have just realised I have not yet introduced you to the wonderful specimen of a hen that has been gracing this blog for the past three days. This is Mrs Gobby, so called because she is the most vocal of our hens - she is also the bossiest and is definately 'head honcho' of our little flock.
It's a strange thing, if you keep chickens, you begin to understand the phrase 'pecking order' because there definately is, especially at feeding time. Mrs Gobby is always ahead of the others and is not adverse to giving a right good pecking to anyone who dares to challenge her.
When we recently bought two new hens, Mrs Gobby was extremely put out and spent several days chasing the new ones around and pecking at them, there were feathers everywhere.
We had not clipped the new ones wings (you do this to stop them flying away, it doesn't hurt them) and after a couple of days, they realised they could fly up to the roof of the henhouse to stay out of her way which meant we had to put food up there for them. Pleased to say it calmed down after a week or so and they are all friends now.
Tommorrow I will introduce you to Blondie, bye for now.

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