Monday, 11 May 2009

Domestic Goddess

Today, I have been a true domestic goddess in the kitchen and the huge basket of eggs from the weekend is now diminished somewhat. Our fridge is bulging with homemade egg dishes including tuna and sweetcorn quiche, scotch eggs and a large pot of egg mayonnaise. Our worktop is also graced with a lemon curd victoria sponge which, if I say so myself, would easily win best in it's catagory in any village show such is it's lightness and depth (there are also two more in the freezer which can be defrosted and assembled at a later date.) Unlike some who confess they find cooking a chore, I regard it as therapy - one can do much thinking whilst one is rubbing in pastry or whisking up cake mixtures. Then, one has the joy of seeing a finished product which is devoured with much gusto by one's family and friends, truly satisfying!
My youngest son has just come into the office to inform me he has conquered Cuba - think this must be something to do with a computer game about the mafia which he was telling me about the other day. I do worry about these violent so called games, not so much for him as he is almost 18, is relatively sensible and not displaying any violent tendencies. But, is there a connection between these awful video games and what is happening on some of our streets with the gang and knife culture? I shall return to this subject after conducting a little research.

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